Dr. Ing. Sascha Berger was appointed to the Senate of the European Economy.

Wednesday, 15 July 2020

As senator, he represents the company digades in the Senate of Economics of Germany. The certificate of appointment was awarded by the Chairman of the Senate of Economy, Honorary Consul General Dieter Härthe, and the President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Dr. Franz Josef Radermacher. The Senate of Economics is made up of personalities from business, science and society who are particularly aware of their responsibility towards the state and society. Together, they contribute to the practical implementation of the common good-oriented goals of sustainability in the sense of the eco-social market economy. The Senate of Economics thus revives the traditional idea of the senates in ancient times. A balanced circle of friends of independent spirit followed the common good instead of solely particular interests. The Senate of Economics is purely oriented towards the common good and is in constant dialogue with representatives from politics and science. Our honorary senators Sigmar Gabriel, Jean-Claude Juncker, Prof. Günther Verheugen, Prof. Klaus Töpfer and Rosi Gollmann are, along with many other experts, great sources of inspiration. The ethical principles of the Senate can also be the basis and guideline for the economic actions of the members of the Senate. Fairness and partnership in business life as well as the social competence of entrepreneurs and executives characterize the work of the Senate.

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